There are many crazy diets out there including some that require starving yourself to lose weight. Drastic measures are not advised!
Take a look at the current top three diets – and find out how and why they work.
- DASH Diet – The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet (DASH) is designed to lower high blood pressure and be heart healthy. This diet calls for a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and low fat dairy, and avoiding high calorie, high fat, highly processed foods, red meat and salt.
- Mayo Clinic Diet – The Mayo Clinic Diet follows the principles of the basic food pyramid. Following this diet means eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein and dairy and healthy fats. Fruits and vegetables are at the bottom of the pyramid, meaning you have more of them, while sweets are at the top, meaning you eat less of these high sugar treats.
- Weight Watchers – Known for its strong support system and meetings, Weight Watchers utilizes a point system that gives high fat and high sugar foods higher points, while fruits and vegetables have lower points. Nothing is forbidden, but you are limited to a set number of points and a set number of calories per day.
Why These Diets Work
What all of the most successful diets have in common is the elimination of high fat, high sugar, and highly processed foods – and an increase in fresh fruits and vegetables. These diets also abide by maintaining a reduced overall calorie intake per day.
Several good programs also incorporate smoothies and shakes into their plans as a way of increasing nutrition while decreasing overall calorie intake.
Managing overall calorie intake while limiting high fat, high sugar and processed foods is the best way to lose weight and meet your health goals in 2017!