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When Is Fatigue Serious?

Fatigue – that tired, listless feeling we all get on occasion – is not a disease or medical condition by itself, but it IS a symptom that could be a signal of a major problem.

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As a rule, occasional fatigue that goes away after rest and relaxation is a normal part of everyday life. When fatigue is the result of overwork, lack of sleep, or significant stress, it is a normal experience.

4 Health Conditions That Cause Fatigue

When fatigue does not go away with rest, or persists for a long periods of time, it is possibly due to a serious health condition such as:

  1. Anemia, a condition marked by a deficiency of red blood cells, can result in weariness.
  2. Cardiovascular conditions are another problem that may cause significant, long-term fatigue.
  3. Metabolic disorders like diabetes or liver disorders, cause fatigue.
  4. Sleep apnea is another possible explanation for chronic, long-term fatigue.

Unexplained Fatigue

Fatigue that occurs with no determined cause and lasts longer than two weeks should be investigated by a physician. If no medical condition can be found to explain it, your fatigue may be the result of stress, anxiety, or depression. If you feel this may be the case, try limiting stressors in your life. When that is not possible, be sure to focus on learning and incorporating better coping skills into your life to manage the stress.

How to Reduce Your Fatigue

If you are experiencing fatigue, even when it is the result of a serious health condition, ensuring you are getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and avoiding caffeine, sugary foods, alcohol, and drug use, may go a long way toward reducing the problem.

Multivitamins are an excellent way to get a nutritional boost, ensuring you get enough B vitamins and vitamin D – both of which are excellent in revving up your energy levels.

Medline Plus. (n.d.). Fatigue. Medline Plus. Retrieved on 3/11/17 from

Web MD. (n.d.). Topic overview: Weakness and Fatigue. WebMD. Retrieved on 3/11/17 from

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