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Boost Your Immune System with Lozenges

Discover the immune boosting benefits of lozenges packed with zinc, elderberry and vitamin C.

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Are you looking for a way to boost your immune health without swallowing pills or tablets? Then look no further than lozenges that support your body’s natural defenses and overall well-being.

Zinc Lozenges

In particular, zinc lozenges have a unique blend of ingredients and health benefits. Zinc has long been understood to be immunity and metabolism-boosting (1).

While zinc is found in many common foods, including:

  • chicken proteins
  • red meats
  • and many types of wheat and grain,

taking a zinc supplement will ensure you’re getting all the benefits that zinc has to offer.

According to the Mayo Clinic, zinc lozenges will stop a cold from progressing if ingested within 24 hours of the first onset of symptoms. Zinc lozenges can also shorten the duration of the cold and flu symptoms themselves (2).

If you don’t happen to be sick, using zinc regularly will help manage skin ulcers as well as slow the progression of eye muscle degeneration in the elderly (2).

Note: Try and avoid zinc supplements with nasal delivery systems as they’ve been known to cause loss of smell.


Elderberry can help ward off colds and the flu.

Elderberry is another notable ingredient in most zinc lozenges. Packed with antioxidants and immune system boosting vitamins, elderberry is a perfect companion to zinc. Elderberry also shares zinc’s tenacity in reducing the duration of colds and flu.

Plus, in recent clinical trials, elderberry is backed by real data saying it decreases the duration of cold and flu-like symptoms, and also reduces symptoms in patients with influenza (1).

Vitamin C

Vitamin C also pairs perfectly with zinc lozenges. Also known as ascorbic acid, vitamin C is essential for growth, repair, and the fortification of body tissue, as well as collagen production, iron absorption, skeletal strength, and general immune system upkeep (3).

How Much Zinc to Consume

In terms of how much zinc to use, no more than 100mg/day is recommended. Prolonged daily exposure in excess of that can lead to complications in how your body absorbs copper.


Zinc, elderberry and vitamin C are all wonderful for boosting your immune health.

1. Tiralongo, E., Wee, S., & Lea, R. (2016, March 24). Elderberry Supplementation Reduces Cold duration and symptoms in Air-Travellers: A randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. Retrieved April 07, 2021, from

2. Zinc. (2020, November 17). Retrieved April 07, 2021, from

3. Vitamin c. (2020, November 17). Retrieved April 07, 2021, from

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