We all find ourselves feeling tired and worn out from time to time, especially when we are burning the candle at both ends. While it can be tempting to get a quick boost of energy from an energy drink or a vending machine snack, these options are not very healthy and often work to pack on the pounds. They also typically result in a major energy crash, too.
6 Healthier Ways to Beat Fatigue
- Manage Stress: Stress can leave us feeling like we went through the wringer. Learning healthy coping skills to manage stress can go a long way to boosting energy levels overall. Find out 6 acupressure points to combat stress.
- Exercise: It may seem counterintuitive that spending energy results in having more energy, but that’s exactly how it works! By working out regularly, you improve strength and stamina, as well as improve cardiovascular health and regulate body weight – all of which results in more energy.
- Diet: High-sugar and high-fat junk foods result in energy crashes and lead to being overweight. A lousy diet can also be the underlying factor in many health conditions that cause fatigue such as fatty liver, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and more. A healthy diet with whole grains, fiber and lean protein will provide longer lasting energy.
- Limit Caffeine: A cup of coffee occasionally is fine for most people, but guzzling down more than two cups per day, especially in the afternoon, often interferes with sleep and zaps your energy in the long run.
- B Vitamins: B vitamins include B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid) and B12 – which can be found in fish, poultry, meat and dairy as well as in dark green, leafy vegetables. B vitamins aid the body in converting food into glucose, giving you energy. They are also critical in the manufacture of red blood cells, necessary for carrying oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.
- Sleep: Getting a good night’s sleep is critical to lasting energy. For most adults, that means between 6 and 8 hours per night. If you need your alarm clock to wake up and get up feeling groggy, you may need to go to sleep a little earlier. Need sleep? Fast Asleep melatonin starts working within 20 minutes, compared to other formulas that can take up to 60 minutes.