Developed in 1870 by Robert Chesebrough, a British chemist working in Pennsylvania, Vaseline is a petroleum jelly that has been through a purification process where it is filtered and distilled three times – and is still the only brand that is purified three times. It is then de-aerated to remove the air bubbles. The triple purification process makes it pure enough for use in healing dry, chapped skin, cuts, minor burns and even diaper rash. And it can also be used around the house!
The Versatility of Vaseline
- Earring Insertion – Vaseline makes it easier to insert earrings.
- Cracked, Dry Skin – A little Vaseline eases dry, cracked heels, elbows and lips along with any dry skin. It can also be used for dry cuticles or diaper rash, as well as other rashes and irritated skin.
- Burns – Vaseline protects burned, damaged skin while keeping it moist, allowing it to heal. Great for sunburns, too!
- Rubbing and Chaffing – A dab of Vaseline anyplace there is chaffing will reduce irritation. A bit in the heels of shoes will reduce blisters when wearing without socks.
- Split Ends – A little bit rubbed into the ends of hair protects and moisturizes ends, preventing splitting. Used on hair, it also adds a bit of shine.
- Makeup Remover – Vaseline is great for removing all kinds of makeup.
- Brow and Lash – Vaseline can be used as a clear mascara or to control unruly brows.
- Exfoliate – Mix with a bit of sugar, coffee grinds or salts for a homemade body scrub.
- Hair Dye Stains – Use a bit along hair line to prevent dye from staining skin.
- Lip Gloss – Vaseline makes a great clear lip gloss.
- Protect Wood – Vaseline will remove water and other stains from wood furniture, leaving a nice shine behind. Beware: using Vaseline on furniture may darken the wood.
- Lubrication – Vaseline can be used on hinges, doors, locks or anything that you might need a lubricant for. It works great on anything rusted or stuck.
- Sledding – A little on the bottom of a sled will make it go faster!
- Detangle Thread – A dab rubbed along thread makes it easier to detangle and prevents tangles from forming.
- Rust Prevention – Rub it on metal to keep rust from forming.
- Door Jambs – When doors are swollen due to humidity, a bit of Vaseline will let you open and close easily.
- Polish Shoes – Use to polish and clean shoes and leather bags.
- Open Lids – Use on the threads along lids for paint, nail polish or anything that tends to dry out, sealing the lids on tight. When you go to open them, it will be much easier.
- Zippers – A touch of Vaseline rubbed along a zipper makes it glide much more smoothly.
Vaseline has been used for so many things over the years, it is almost impossible to make a comprehensive list of all of its uses! These are just 20 of the best uses for Vaseline.
A petroleum waste product, no thanks. There are many other products that will do the same thing.